Reinstall Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit
Everything You Should Know Before Selecting a Windows 7 Installation Disc
There are several reasons why you might need to purchase a Windows 7 installation disc, but it is important to know what you are getting before making the final purchase. There are other operating systems available, but Windows 7 has a lot of things to offer, especially for those that like a personal touch to PC security. This will answer all of the questions you have about the Windows 7 operating system and the installation disc options found in this eBay collection.
How do you use a Windows 7 installation disc?This disc can be used to put a new version of Windows 7 on any Windows-compatible PC system, or it can be used to update an old version of Windows 7 on a system that currently has it. Using this disc is simple:
- Step 1: Insert the disc.
- Step 2: Turn on the PC and select 001aRun001a in the Start-up menu.
- Step 3: Follow the steps on the screen, and do not turn off the PC while the disc is running.
There are generally two different bit systems that Windows 7 comes with: 32 bit and 64 bit. Depending on what you plan on doing with your system, you can choose either of these operating versions of Windows 7 to reinstall to your workstation. The difference between these two versions is the way the CPU handles information. The 64 bit should be used for systems that have to deal with larger amounts of information, while the 32 bit is for systems that are not pushed as hard. Either option is available on eBay.
How much space will be needed to install Windows 7?Compared to other operating systems, Windows 7 does not require as much space. The amount of space needed to properly install Windows 7 using a reinstall disc depends which bit system you wish to install. Here are the reinstall requirements needed in your system for this installation:
- Windows 7 32 bit - 1GB RAM and 16GB hard disk space
- Windows 7 64 bit - 2GB RAM and 20GB hard disk space
When choosing the right Windows 7 install disc, you need to be aware of your systems hardware. One of the biggest differences in the editions is the amount of RAM that it can support.
- Home Premium - Supports up to 16GB RAM
- Professional - Supports up to 192GB RAM