Opening Prayers For Worship Methodist
Call to Worship
L: Come, take your rest this day
P: Lord, free us from the stresses we have endured this week.
L: Come, put your minds at ease.
P: Lord, ease the burdens and frustrations of our lives.
L: Come. For this is the house of the Lord. It is here that you will find peace.
P: Praise and thanks be to God for giving us sanctuary. AMEN.
Prayer of Confession
Gracious God, so often we look at ourselves, our gifts and our talents, and wonder what you would do with these offerings. We don’t think that we have much to give. So, far too many times, we belittle the gifts and turn our backs on the needs and opportunities present to serve, believing that our gifts cannot possibly make a difference. We think that we must possess the greatest of talents and wealth in order to truly please and serve you. How foolish we are!
Forgive us when we stop listening to your healing and comforting words and focus on our anxieties. Heal us, Lord. Help us know that you have given to us such blessings and that these blessings are truly wonderful and meant to be used to joy and service to others. Help us to bring our lives, just as they are, to you and to receive your gentle touch and healing grace. For we ask this in Jesus’ Name.
A Morning Prayer of Thanksgiving
Loving God, Creator of all that has been, all that is, and all that is to come;
You made us human and gave us hearts to love you and follow you.
We thank you for the many blessings you have given us over this past year.
God, we thank you for all of the blessings you have given us throughout our lives:
Food to eat,
Clothes to wear,
Shelter from the storm,
People who love us unconditionally.
We thank you for their love because we recognize that their love for us is a reflection of your love.
We acknowledge that there are times in our lives when we, ourselves, feel unloved and unlovable.
Give us the grace to love others, even when they are difficult.
We trust in your faithfulness to carry us over the rough places of life.
We trust in your love to walk with us through the difficulties of our days.
We trust in your promise of life everlasting and put all of our hope in you.
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We thank you for Jesus.
We thank you that he died so that we might have eternal life.
Forgive us for our sins:
The things you asked us to do and we failed to do
As well as the things you told us not to do but we did anyway.
We are sorry and we ask that you will strengthen us
So that we will always follow you.
We pray that your Holy Spirit will be felt by people who are in pain in mind, body or spirit.
elp them to know that you are with them
and you are able to carry them through their trials.
Bless our church family.
Bless our community.
Bless our nation.
Bless our world.
Enable us to live so that your will might be made manifest in the world around us.
We ask all these things in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior who taught us to pray as he taught his disciples:
(The Lord's Prayer)
Offertory Prayer for Thanksgiving Day or Thanksgiving Eve
How can we thank you enough for all you have given us, Lord?
We have so much, more than enough to supply all our needs.
As we present our tithes and offerings today, make us mindful of the people, especially the children, whose earthly needs we are called to supply.
In deepest gratitude, we offer ourselves back to you,
for your service and your will.
In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
The Rev. Dr. LaGretta Bjorn is the pastor of the United Methodist Church of Spring Valley in Spring Valley, New York, and is a clergy member of the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.