Kurikulum 2013 Smp

Kurikulum 2013 Smp 9,9/10 6533 votes


DOI: https://doi.org/10.23917/warta.v19i2.2755


kill about using LEGO in mathematics teaching and learning to mathematics teachers. This conducted into three stages of training and two stages of real teaching. The stages of the training were introducing the use of LEGO in mathematics teaching and learning, designing sets of teaching and learning activities using LEGO as the media, and peer teaching. The real teaching conducted in two stages of three meetings for each stages. Twelve mathematics teachers from five schools of Muhammadiyah in Surakarta were participated in this training. The teachers have technically trained with new experiences using LEGO as media in mathematics learning and have developed five sets of lesson plans for the topics of fractions, sets, proportion, linear equation with one variable, and statistics. The real teaching for the topic of fractions was conducted in two of those five schools. The results indicate the learning activities designed support students understanding and attitude in mathematics.

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Abstract.The goals of this research was (1) to describe the implementasion of 2013 National Curriculum in East Kalimantan province, (2) to map several constraints in the implementation of 2013 National Curriculum which are faced by school, (3) to describe the human source competences and readiness of learning instrument on each school unit. The research approaches are survey, observation, structured interview, and questionnaire. The sample of this research which were determined by purposive sampling technique in Balikpapan, Samarinda, Bontang, and Kutai Kartanegara are education managers (Heads of Education Departments and School Supervisors) and piloting school unit components (Headmasters and teachers of elementary school, junior high school, senior high school and vocational school). The result shows that the implementation of 2013 Curriculum in East Kalimantan runs effectively which indicators are (a) that the perception to the performance of curriculum training for headmaster and teacher is good enough, (b) that the perception to text books of 2013 National Curriculum is good, (c) that the perception to teacher competence in teaching and learning process is good. The constraints which found are that (1) most of all schools accept books late and the quantity of books is not suitable with the number of students, (2) books for teachers do not help teachers to explain topic learning, (3) text books for productive subjects in vocational school are not available, (4) the trainings for headmasters and teachers are not satisfied because the duration of it is not enough and the training topic focuses to theory of curriculum which is not suitable with the teachers need

KeyWords: 2013 National Curriculum, Implementation Constraints, East Kalimantan.

SUBAGIYO, Lambang; SAFRUDIANNUR, S. IMPLEMENTASI KURIKULUM 2013 PADA JENJANG SD, SMP, SMA DAN SMK DI KALIMANTAN TIMUR TAHUN 2013/2014.Pancaran Pendidikan, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 4, p. 131-144, nov. 2014.ISSN 0852601X. Available at: <https://jurnal.unej.ac.id/index.php/pancaran/article/view/991>. Date accessed: 31 may 2019.